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8 Problems That Respond Well to PRP Therapy

8 Problems That Respond Well to PRP Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy might sound mysterious, but it’s actually been around for decades and has recently gained popularity in both the cosmetic and health care worlds. Much of that’s due to its all-natural ability to enhance healing in a wide range of conditions. 

PRP comes directly from your own blood and capitalizes on its healing properties. With a simple injection, you can recover faster and feel better, with little to no side effects. 

It all starts with a sample of your blood that’s processed to separate the platelets and plasma, which contain the growth and healing factors in your blood.

Once re-injected into your injured tissues, PRP stimulates your body’s healing process, reduces inflammation, promotes new cell growth, and ultimately relieves your pain and other symptoms. 

But how do you know if you can benefit from PRP? Dr. John Bassell and our team at Nebben Physical Medicine in Clarksville, Tennessee, are here to answer that question. Here are eight of the most common conditions that can be helped with PRP. 

1. Osteoarthritis

PRP can improve many stiff, achy joints, especially when caused by osteoarthritis (OA), the most common type of arthritis, affecting millions of people. 

OA occurs when the cushioning cartilage that protects the ends of the bones that meet in your joint wears down over time. Osteoarthritis can impact virtually any joint in your body, but it typically affects the joints in your hands, knees, hips, and spine. 

2. Post-surgery pain

Surgery comes with many inherent risks, not the least of which is postoperative pain. Tissue damage around the incision, wound closure, the force applied during the operation, or even the procedure itself can result in significant discomfort following your surgery. 

If you’re interested in an alternative to prescription medication to manage your post-surgery pain, PRP therapy may be an option for you.

3. Soft tissue damage

Whether you’re an athlete, a manual laborer, a full-time parent, or an office worker, you’re never more than one wrong movement away from an injury. Often, injuries occur in your soft tissues, including your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia. 

Fortunately, PRP can address a variety of soft tissue injuries, such as:

PRP may also be an option for you if your soft tissue injury has gotten worse or hasn’t responded to conservative treatments. 

4. Inflammation

When you’re injured, your body floods the area with nutrient-rich blood that delivers white cells and proteins to the site. The reaction helps fight off pathogens, but it also causes a buildup of fluid. Your swollen tissues then compress nearby nerve endings and cause pain.

5. Chronic pain

Some injuries just won’t go away no matter how many treatments you try or specialists you see. In addition to damaged or diseased tissue, you may be dealing with inflammation that lingers longer than it should. Some of the areas most susceptible to chronic pain are your:

When your aches and pain don’t improve, it’s time to consider PRP as an alternative pain management option. 

6. Fractures

Your bones are strong, but they’re still vulnerable to breaks. Bone fractures often stem from traumatic injuries, falls, or underlying conditions like osteoporosis. Along with traditional bone healing treatments, such as immobilization, PRP can support and accelerate your recovery.

7. Automobile accidents

Are you struggling with injuries following a car accident? PRP may be an option for you. We often recommend PRP therapy for auto accident injuries, including whiplash, broken bones, and herniated discs.

8. Cosmetic concerns

Think PRP is just for aches and pains? Think again. PRP therapy is also effective for a variety of cosmetic concerns, including hair loss, wrinkles, and sagging skin. 

Want to see if you’re a candidate for PRP therapy? Don’t wait. Call our friendly staff or request an appointment online today. 

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