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How Trigger Point Injections Work to Release Muscle Knots

How Trigger Point Injections Work to Release Muscle Knots

Whether you’re in peak shape or you haven’t moved in months, if you have muscles, you’re at risk for muscle knots. 

That’s part of what makes this chronic pain condition so frustrating.

Fortunately, our experts at Nebben Physical Medicine specialize in helping you manage your pain — no matter where it comes from. We offer a wide range of pain therapy treatments, including trigger point injections

Here’s a closer look at how we use them to treat your painful muscle knots.

What causes muscle knots?

The term “muscle knot” makes it sound as though your muscles are twisted or kinked, but what’s actually happening is something very different. Muscle knots stem from a type of muscle spasm that triggers a small portion of your muscle to tense up. 

This happens when repetitive motion irritates your muscles. Muscle knots can also form when your muscles are in an awkward position for a long period of time, for example, sleeping in an unnatural position. 

Office workers, truck drivers, and others who stay in one position for a long period of time (especially without breaks) may also notice irritated, “knotted” muscles. 

These knots of tense muscles can develop in your legs, but they’re most commonly found in your back, neck, and under your shoulder blade. 

Scans aren’t needed to diagnose muscle knots, and researchers aren’t exactly sure what causes them to be so painful. Some agree that it’s because the knot restricts blood flow; others believe the pain stems from nerves triggered by the underlying spasm. 

How trigger point injections can release muscle knots

No matter where your muscle knot came from, the bottom line is it’s painful. However, there’s a wide range of treatment options for muscle knots. The most popular include:

But perhaps the most effective treatment for muscle knots is trigger point release injections. 

Trigger point injections target sensitive areas of tight muscle fibers known as trigger points, which form in your muscles as a result of injury or overuse. Irritated trigger points can lead to painful muscle knots. 

The injection contains a local anesthetic or saline solution and often includes a corticosteroid. It effectively neutralizes the trigger point and alleviates your pain. 

You can receive multiple injections and receive injections at several sites. We typically recommend a series of treatments to ensure long-term pain relief. 

How you can avoid muscle knots in the future

Once you’ve found relief from your muscle knots, your focus should be preventing them from developing in the future. Follow these strategies for healthy, knot-free muscles:

You might also consider getting regular massages to keep your muscles relaxed and flexible.

If you’d like more information or if you think you have a muscle knot, request an appointment online or over the phone at our Clarksville, Tennessee, office.

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