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The Link Between Headaches and Hormone Fluctuations

From dehydration and infections to poor posture and changes in your sleeping habits, headaches can tell you a lot about your health. But because headaches can point to such a wide variety of health conditions, it can be difficult to know exactly what’s causing them. 

Dr. John Bassell and our team here at Nebben Physical Medicine want to help take the guesswork out of identifying the cause of your headaches. We’re taking a look at the link between your hormones and headaches, so you can get the treatment you need quickly.

What are hormone fluctuations?

Hormones are chemicals in your body that act as messengers and control many of your body’s major functions, including your metabolism and sexual reproduction. 

When you experience fluctuations (or imbalances) in your hormones, it means that your body is either producing too much or too little of a certain hormone. This causes your body’s systems to malfunction and you to experience a wide variety of frustrating symptoms, including headaches.

Common causes of hormone fluctuations include:

Some health conditions, such as diabetes and hypothyroidism, also contribute to changes in your hormone production. 

How do hormone fluctuations cause headaches?

Many hormones play an important role in the chemical balance in your brain, and fluctuations in your hormone levels can result in headaches. 

For example, overactive brain cells can trigger the release of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for regulating your mood. This can cause the blood vessels in your brain to narrow and a headache to develop. 

Similarly, changes in levels of estrogen, the female sex hormone, can also alter the chemical balance in the brain and result in a headche. For this reason, women are often most at risk for hormonal headaches because of the frequency of hormone changes as they go through life. 

Women who suffer from frequent hormonal headaches often notice other symptoms, including:

Documenting your symptoms when you have a headache can help us understand your situation and further tailor your treatment plan. 

Men can also experience hormonal headaches as they age and experience changes in ther levels of testosterone — the male sex hormone.

How can we treat hormonal headaches?

Headaches, no matter where they come from, are never something you should accept as a part of life. Fortunately, we offer comprehensive headache treatments that effectively and conservatively address your headaches by focusing on supporting your overall health. 

One of our most popular headache treatments is massage therapy. Gently massaging your muscles and tissues stimulates whole-body circulation and reduces your stress and can restore balance to your hormone production. 

Our experts also equip you with some helpful tips and tricks to manage your headache pain when it strikes. Things you can do when you get a hormonal headache include:

If you’d like more information about our headache treatments and other tips for headache prevention, call the friendly staff at our Clarksville, Tennessee, office or request an appointment online. 

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