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The Role Exercise Plays in Weight Control

Making exercise a daily habit is difficult. In fact, less than 5% of adults get the recommended 30 minutes of physical activity every day, and only 1 in 3 hit their weekly activity goals.

But when you dive into just how crucial exercise is to your ability to control your weight, you’ll be lacing up your sneakers as often as you can. 

Dr. John Bassell and our team at Nebben Physical Medicine in Clarksville, Tennessee, recognize how important regular exercise is to your weight loss goals. That’s why we’ve made it an integral part of our weight loss program

Exercise and weight control 

Your journey to a healthy weight relies on a variety of lifestyle and health factors, including your sleeping habits, diet, stress levels, overall health, and genetic makeup.

Physical activity is another key player. How much or how little you fit into your daily routine impacts your ability to maintain a healthy weight. Here’s how. 

Calories, calories, calories

Calories are units of measurement that tell you how much energy is in the food you eat. The caloric value of everything you eat and drink directly correlates to the amount of energy it provides your body. Calories not used as energy in your body are stored as fat. 

To lose weight, you need to have a calorie deficit at the end of each day. This means that the number of calories you put into your body is less than the number your body has burned off. 

Exercise and the calorie deficit

Believe it or not, you’re burning calories as you read this blog. In fact, you burn calories all the time, albeit slowly, even while you’re sleeping. 

But relying on your body’s natural ability to burn calories at rest throughout the day is likely landing you in a calorie surplus rather than a deficit. 

That’s where regular exercise comes in. 

Heading to the gym after work, going for a jog in the morning, even doing a low-impact workout like yoga gets your heart rate up and ramps up your body’s calorie burning. Your body uses the calories you’ve consumed to get you through your workout instead of storing them as fat.

You can increase your daily calorie deficit by reducing the number of calories you eat in addition to getting more exercise. Don’t make any significant changes to your diet without consulting our medical experts first. 

Incorporating exercise into your routine

Now that you know the science behind weight control, here are a few things to keep in mind as you incorporate exercise into your daily and weekly routine.

Not all exercise is created equal

There’s no one magic workout with the power to melt your unwanted fat instantly. There are, however, some exercises that are more efficient than others. Some of the best workouts for cardiovascular health and weight management are:

These exercises give you the most bang for your buck, especially if you’re trying to squeeze physical activity into your busy day. 

When in doubt, walk it out

Never underestimate the power of walking. It can increase your heart rate and keep your body in sustained calorie-burning mode. 

Bring a pair of sneakers with you to work and walk on your lunch break, choose the stairs instead of the elevator, or invest in a fitness tracker that prompts you to reach a daily step goal. 

Start early

The morning can often be your most productive time of day. Instead of lingering on that second cup of coffee or hitting the snooze button, get your body moving. And if you just can’t make time to drive to the gym, try at-home workouts to maximize your time. 

Clear your schedule

If morning workouts are out of the question, set aside time dedicated to physical activity. Sign up for an exercise class or find a friend to help keep you accountable. Either way, find something you enjoy doing so you don’t dread your workout. 

For full support and guidance on nutrition, healthy weight loss, and exercise, call our office at 931-313-3843 or schedule an appointment online.

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