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8 Troubling Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

Most things in life wear down over time. This is true especially of your bones and joints. As they gradually experience the inevitable wear-and-tear that comes with life, you’re left with pain, discomfort, and other symptoms that inhibit your quality of life. 

Fortunately, Dr. John Bassell and our team of experts at Nebben Physical Medicine in Clarksville, Tennessee, can help you identify the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis and provide treatment to bring you relief. 

Osteoarthritis overview

Of all the kinds of arthritis, osteoarthritis is the most common. In fact, over 32 million Americans have been diagnosed with this condition. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage protecting your bones wears down. Your cartilage is what keeps your bones cushioned and prevents them from rubbing against each other. Without it, your bones undergo significant changes and ultimately cause you lots of pain. 

Osteoarthritis typically occurs in the places in your body that experience the most repetitive motions, like your knees, hips, and hands. You’re most likely to develop osteoarthritis if you overuse your joints or are obese and putting extra weight on your joints. Your risk also increases as you age. 

The best way to treat your osteoarthritis starts with recognizing your symptoms early. Here are a few signs of osteoarthritis to be aware of:

Joint pain

If you notice increased pain in your joints with motion or after doing normal tasks, it could be a sign that you have osteoarthritis. 

Joint stiffness

With osteoarthritis comes joint stiffness. If you’re unable to perform your normal activities because your joints are so stiff, you’re likely developing osteoarthritis.

Joint tenderness

Along with stiffness and pain, you might notice that your joints are tender when you apply gentle pressure. This can be an early sign that you have osteoarthritis. 

Swollen joints

As your cartilage wears away and your bones become irritated due to osteoarthritis, your joints can start to swell, which leads to discomfort and lack of mobility. 

Reduced flexibility

Because your joints are going through such drastic changes with the loss of cartilage and swelling, you might notice that you’re not as flexible as you used to be. 

Reduced range of motion 

As with flexibility, swelling in your joints can also cause a loss of range of motion. If you can’t move your joints the way you used to, you might have osteoarthritis. 

Popping or grating sound

If your bones don’t have any cartilage to protect them, they rub against each other. This can result in grating, popping, or cracking sounds as your bones interact. 

Bone spurs

Bone spurs are extra pieces of bone that develop when bones contact each other. If you start to notice hard lumps in your joints, you might have bone spurs, a common symptom of osteoarthritis. 

Although the symptoms can be painful and uncomfortable, Dr. Bassell has a comprehensive list of treatment options. 

Osteoarthritis treatment options

To help him create the best treatment plan for your osteoarthritis, Dr. Bassell discusses your medical history and symptoms. At Nebben Physical Medicine, our osteoarthritis treatments include regenerative medicine, K-Laser therapy, and joint injections. 

You can also find relief from osteoarthritis pain and symptoms with at-home remedies, including:

Talk to Dr. Bassell about all the things you can do to live a life free from osteoarthritis pain. 

If you have questions about your osteoarthritis symptoms or want to get started with treatment, call our office or schedule an appointment online today.

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