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What to Expect After Your First PRP Treatment

What to Expect After Your First PRP Treatment

When your body’s in so much pain, it's easy to forget it has the power to heal itself. And that's precisely what platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections do — they remind your body how to heal. From that healing comes the pain relief you're desperately seeking. 

Just a small sample of your own blood contains the proteins and growth factors your body needs to repair and restore itself, all without going under the knife. 

What's more, just about any injury or pain condition responds to PRP injections, whether it’s in your joints, muscles, or bones. 

If this is your first time having a PRP injection, we understand if you have concerns about what to expect. Here at Nebben Physical Medicine in Clarksville, Tennessee, our team walks you through life after a PRP injection.

The first few hours

Because PRP injections are minimally invasive and come with virtually zero risk, you can get right back to your regular routine once your appointment is over. No need to take extensive time off or have a friend drive you home. 

The first few days and weeks

PRP injections are far less disruptive to your overall health than traditional surgery, but you should still expect some soreness and tenderness at the injection site for 3-7 days. A tendon, ligament, or muscle treated with PRP may feel sore for a bit longer (7-10 days). 

Everyone responds differently to PRP injections, but on the whole, movement and pain improve dramatically over two weeks.

The first few months

Results from PRP injections develop over 2-6 weeks as your body heals itself and organizes new tissue — but the best results can take up to 3-4 months to appear. Over time, the treated areas become stronger, more resilient, and, perhaps most importantly, less painful.

Severe injuries may take a bit longer to respond. The same goes for treating multiple soft tissue sites with PRP injections. 

There are no particular follow-up requirements or aftercare instructions, but you can (and should) keep an eye on your progress. If an activity or exercise causes you pain, take a break until you can tolerate it again. 

At Nebben Physical Medicine, we typically take a multifaceted approach and combine PRP injections with other treatments, including bracing, physical therapy, chiropractic care, K-laser therapy, and massage therapy. 

Remember that PRP injections don't bring immediate relief — they offer relief that builds up over time as the result of healing. In the end, that’s far better than masking symptoms and hoping they don't come back.

Have more questions about your upcoming appointment? Don't hesitate to give our friendly staff a call at 931-647-1199. If you're still on the fence about PRP, call or click to schedule a consultation with our experts. 

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